The Horpend System, of placement of concrete in Channels, being trapezoid or circular, it is the result of the search of a Technique capable of adapting to any situation and configuration, Especially variable, and like that, to go out of the rigid mold offered for traditional machines.
First, HORPEND has centred on the renovation of the small channels (up to 10 meters of section). The technology has had so much success, for the quality of the offered coating and rapidity of placement, which ever its thickness, and the quality of the final product, that finally, in March of 2.003, HORPEND has impossed in the execution of big channels.
HORPEND can execute complete sections, in channels up to 10 meters of top width, from an only side of the channel. In addition, we have several references with inclination of up to 58 º (Impressive).
HORPEND was called in the channel of Navarre section I, Pamplona (Spain), to improve the work left by one traditional machine. In one day they demonstrated that the quality of the final and reliability of the system was exceptional. In addition HORPEND was working to complete section of edge to edge of the channel, or, 23,50 linear meters of tour in only one time (Banks of 9,20 meters and crossbeam base of 4 meters, thickness 15 Cms.).
Nowadays, in August of 2.010, HORPEND continues still Executing the last sections of this Channel.
In 2.004, they obtained the certification AENOR IQ-NET of quality management. From this date, HORPEND has Obtained to execute the works of all the sections awarded of channel Segarra-Garrigues - Lerida (Spain), there are 20 meters of section.
In the year 2.009 it has taken part with 80.000 M2, in two months and a half in the low channel of the Payuelos - Phase 1 with construction company, FCC Constructions, S.A..
In addition, in July of 2.010, HORPEND receives the confirmation of his designation for the UTE CORB (RAILROAD, S.A.), for execution of the Section 4 of the channel Segarra-Garrigues. (You should notice that railroad having its own revestidora has preferred resorting to our Horpend System).
There is no doubt, that so much for price and for his high performances, HORPEND has imposed himself as company leader of the sector of coating channel in concrete.
Gandia-Valencia (España), Agosto de 2.010.